
2/23 Beijing CCNP 350-401 ENCOR Pass

58 questions, starting with 6 labs, then 52 multiple choice + drag chart. There are new multiple choice questions, and some questions are similar in the question bank, with different options.
There are 6 drag chart questions, mostly Python questions, and two new questions.
The 6 lab questions encountered in the exam: port channel, NetFlow/SPAN/SLA, BGP address-family, OSPF, VRF, CoPP. All the lab questions are covered.
The NetFlow experiment is the integration of the contents of two questions in the question bank. Another experiment is VRF, which requires not only writing a static route for tunnle 0, but also a static route for VLAN111 of SW11. Both of these static routes are for VRF Finance, otherwise SW11 will not be able to ping SW22.