
December 3,2024. Shenzhen CCNP 350-401 exam passed

I almost failed the exam today. Luckily I knew a little bit. When I came back, the customer service told me that there was a pass guarantee service, and the price was twice the exam fee. I would have chosen the pass guarantee earlier. It was so thrilling. If I had failed the exam, my money would have gone down the drain. I took the exam in Shenzhen, and I reviewed the question bank for nearly a month. I basically got all the experimental questions, but there were a lot of changes. I also got SSH and VRF that I encountered in COPP, and I had to be familiar with ACL-related commands. I encountered about 13 new questions in the multiple-choice questions, and there were also two new questions in the drag-map questions. I felt that I guessed half of the new questions correctly. Overall, there were a lot of new questions, but I passed the exam.