launched in 2004. The best and perfect CCIE Solution provider in the world. is committed in delivering the excellent and perfect certs material to their customer. We believe in making you succeed in the exam in your very first attempt. We treat our customers on high priority. Our online chat service is available 24*7*365. Other than this we are available on e-mail, skype, teamviewer. We will help you to get your CCIE Number in your first attempt(requires 1-2 months of dedicate practice).
With more than 700 CCIEs and counting, we have already proven the best results. From our latest and updates Workbook and Online training you could pass in the first attempt. We have taken every step to make sure that you achieve the success you deserve while learning at a pace that’s comfortable for you. is a Technical team that has 17-year experience in IT Certification exam training and reference materials involving study guides, questions, and answers or practice tests, tutorial videos, etc. has an excellent achievement for several years, and it has close cooperation with
We are specialized in Cisco CCNA, CCNP, CCNP DevNet, CCDE, EI, CompTIA+, PMP, NPDP, ACP, Microsoft, Huawei, Redhat, Linux, Oracle, Aruba, F5, CWNA, and Palo Alto Certification practice exams.
A group of experienced experts is here at to bring you hopes in passing those exams in the first try. We believe that after the thorough preparation with our study materials, you will get—a profound understanding of corresponding knowledge points.
What’s more, we guarantee that all the questions and answers in are accurate and valid, different from many other companies that compete with the cheap and useless questions and answers. So that is why we are very confident that as long as you study our products thoroughly, you will succeed in the examinations.
We will update our practice tests in time after a thorough analysis of the latest real exams. We are proud to say our dumps cover all real answers and questions. We believe in quality instead of quantity! Any questions you have, contact:
3/12/2025, CCNP 300-410 passed
48 questions in total, experiment 3, drag chart 1, the rest are multiple choice questions Experiment questions Syslog1 redistribute +
Beijing March 5th Passed CCNA 200-301 PASS
I took the exam in Beijing and passed it. The exam consists of 86 questions, including 3 experimental questions, which
3/5 Hong Kong CCNP 350-401 Pass
I passed the exam, only one multiple choice question was new. There were 6 lab questions, a total of 52+6
March 4, Wuhan, CCNP Wireless 300-430 passed
I successfully passed the CCNP 300-430 exam, with a question bank covering 97%. I encountered about 3 new questions. For
CCDE written test 400-007 passed stably
CCIE re-certification written test CCDE400-007 PASS,All questions are 100% covered, and 97% of the solutions are correct
3/2 Hong Kong CCNP 300-410 Pass
3/2 Hong Kong CCNP 300-410 Pass, 48 questions in total, 1 question with a diagram. Lab Questions: DMVPN, BGP, and