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Fortigate Firewall Diagnostics Pocket Guide

Table Of Contents
What this Book is all about 1
Table Of Contents 3
General Connectivity issues 5
Ping and Traceroute 6
Packet Capture 14
TCP Dump Way 20
Using Filters 25
Examine TCP with the SYN flag on 31
Interfaces, Sessions, Services 35
DNS Settings 41
DHCP Settings 45
Diagnose Your ARP table 52
Diagnosing the Routes 55
Performance Issues 58
System and user Processes 63
Terminating Processes 65
CPU High Usage Stitch 71
Conserve Mode 77
Diagnose Sessions 80
Session List 84
Reduce session time 89
Debug Packet Flow 91
Final Words 98

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Updated on July 28, 2024

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